Couronnes et ponts

Chez Dentaire Turner, nous utilisons la technologie CAD-CAM, ainsi que les méthodes traditionnelles.

Lors de l’utilisation des derniers équipements CFAO (conception et fabrication assistées par ordinateur), cela élimine tout type de contact humain ou d’erreur dans le processus de fabrication. Cela garantit un ajustement, un aspect et une sensation impeccables de votre couronne.

Les couronnes sont fabriquées à l’interne et placées en temps réel, ce qui élimine le besoin d’une deuxième visite ou d’une couronne temporaire.

Couronne : Également appelée couronne dentaire, elle est un type de restauration pouvant être utilisé pour restaurer une dent qui est considérablement endommagée ou pourrie.

La couronne est fabriquée sur mesure pour s’adapter sur toute la dent, en commençant par la limite gingivale, afin de restaurer la dent à sa forme et sa taille d’origine.

Ponts : Lorsqu’une ou deux dents consécutives sont manquantes, un pont dentaire peut rapidement combler l’écart et rétablir le sourire à la normale.

La procédure pour un pont est initialement similaire à celle d’une couronne. Les deux dents de chaque côté de l’écartement doivent être formées pour accepter les couronnes. Une impression de l’écart plus ces deux dents préparées est prise, puis le pont est fabriqué.

Prenez rendez-vous - Couronnes et ponts

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Ce que nos patients disent de nous

5,0 134 avis Google

Neha John

août 3, 2024

I recently visited this dental clinic and was impressed by the cleanliness of the facility and the exceptional customer service. The staff were friendly, professional, and made sure I was... read more

Rajan Abhi

juillet 13, 2024

Exceptional dental care at Dentaire Turner. The staff is friendly and professional, creating a welcoming atmosphere. The clinic is clean and well-maintained, and they use modern equipment for treatments. I... read more

Matt Sadeghi

mai 16, 2024

Thank you, Dr Zein, and the entire team at Dentair turner for providing such outstanding care. I am grateful to have found such a wonderful dental practice. Highly recommend to... read more

Diana Laprairie

février 26, 2024

You will find a wonderful team of people, from the great smiling girls at the front desk to the Turner Doctors’, I am pleased to have met them. I have... read more


février 13, 2024

This was my first visit. The clinic is modern and comfortable. The staff are welcoming and take care of you throughout. I received excellent service from the dentist and all... read more

Nima Mansoori

février 7, 2024

When I was younger, I never enjoyed going to the dentist, as it was not always a great experience. Eventually, as I got older, a family member told me to... read more

Russell Chau

février 6, 2024

Very good customer services and easy to book an appointment. The wait wasn't long and the receptionist was very helpful. Arielle was very attention to detail and helpful. I recommend... read more

Kaylan Kautzky

janvier 28, 2024

Had an amazing experience with centre dentaire turner. The cleaning was easy and I absolutely recommend it to anyone needing a new dentist. The front desk really made booking an... read more

Arielle Carbon

janvier 27, 2024

Love this clinic! Modern technology, great services & staff is very knowledgeable in every aspect. Great great clinic! Dr.Alexa is great at explaining what she does! Would definitely come again!

Rohan Fernando

janvier 27, 2024

This clinic is amazing. Great staff and very accommodating dentists. Arielle is super gentle and super understanding. Will definitely book my next appointments here

course Hero

janvier 27, 2024

The best clinic in Montreal!! Dr. Long and Ari were super nice and understanding! 100% recommend, my family already transferred their files to this clinic and they also love it here!

Nats Carbon

janvier 27, 2024

Amazing people! Great service !! Front desk are very nice. Love seeing a family dental clinic! Arielle and dr.Rochelle were very knowledgeable! Great place! Totally recommend